Posted By: Fèyísìtàn
I started this series #NurturedNotTortured by sharing a summary of my experience and testimony, I'll be rounding up by sharing somebody else's story and testimony. Abuse could happen to anyone regardless of gender, race, age or status. Abusers don't have horns sticking out of their heads or wearing red capes like an evil halloween costume.They appear normal like everybody else, possibly with high charisma, could talk smooth, often feign love or compassion to get their way (the reason people fall for them).They could be charming and intelligent and speak eloquently but with time...''by their fruits you shall know them''. Watch out for those red flags..toxic lies, deception, control, manipulation, wild exaggeration, uncontrolled anger, lack of remorse, erratic behaviour, absurdity etc. Assess your situation, reach out, speak out and get necessary help. Never Give Up on You.#GodLovesYou. When reached out to, be a pillar of support. It takes courage for anyone to share their experiences, be a listening ear and not a leaking mouth or become judge and jury over somebody else's pain. Help to get help.
Please watch this video (First 25 minutes relates to Domestic Abuse)
#NurturedNotTortured #NoToAbuse#Peaceinourhomes #Peaceinourhearts #NeverGiveUp #GodLovesYou
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God Bless
With Love
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I started this series #NurturedNotTortured by sharing a summary of my experience and testimony, I'll be rounding up by sharing somebody else's story and testimony. Abuse could happen to anyone regardless of gender, race, age or status. Abusers don't have horns sticking out of their heads or wearing red capes like an evil halloween costume.They appear normal like everybody else, possibly with high charisma, could talk smooth, often feign love or compassion to get their way (the reason people fall for them).They could be charming and intelligent and speak eloquently but with time...''by their fruits you shall know them''. Watch out for those red flags..toxic lies, deception, control, manipulation, wild exaggeration, uncontrolled anger, lack of remorse, erratic behaviour, absurdity etc. Assess your situation, reach out, speak out and get necessary help. Never Give Up on You.#GodLovesYou. When reached out to, be a pillar of support. It takes courage for anyone to share their experiences, be a listening ear and not a leaking mouth or become judge and jury over somebody else's pain. Help to get help.
Please watch this video (First 25 minutes relates to Domestic Abuse)
#NurturedNotTortured #NoToAbuse#Peaceinourhomes #Peaceinourhearts #NeverGiveUp #GodLovesYou
Thank you for taking the time to visit and read. Please feel free to share,like and comment.
God Bless
With Love
Please visit: Facebook
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